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touch rugby's rae tng: the stigma against female athletes

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Tng Ying Xin, Rae, from 20S7D, is a dedicated member of Hwa Chong’s Touch Rugby CCA. While she finds satisfaction in playing touch rugby and always strives to do her best, she is no stranger to negative reactions whenever she mentions what her CCA is. This could perhaps be attributed to traditional and societal beliefs that women are not suited to play aggressive sports. For instance, Rae shares that she has “encountered a few surprised neighbours who have commented on (her) being in touch rugby, with queries like ‘oh, is it a very rough sport? Girls can play ah?’.”


She believes that many still hold numerous outdated stereotypes regarding the kinds of activities that women should participate in. While such judgements cannot be changed overnight, Rae trusts that, with the rising number of female athletes playing and excelling in sports that are deemed “too rough” for women, these prejudices will eventually be dispelled. 


In conclusion, Rae opines that stereotypes of female athletes should be broken, and all girls who want to pursue a career or their interest in sports should not be hindered by the “unwarranted negative perceptions about females in sport”.


It is indeed saddening to see the months and years of hard work all go uncredited when female athletes are seen as unfeminine and ungracious simply due to the fact that they play sports that are ‘more suited for men’. However, in the face of such adversities, Rae hopes that women can proudly stand their ground and “(k)now why you are making the choice to be an athlete and hold on to that”. 


Written by: Goh Yu Le (21S79)

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