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Brought to you by: CCA Council

Publications Society
About PubSoc
HC PubSoc encourages aspiring writers in Hwa Chong to showcase their journalistic skills and develop their proficiency in writing by exploring journalism.
We are responsible for producing school-wide publications such as the Yearbook, Inspiring Excellence and the HC Insights magazine. Writers interview various stakeholders involved in organizing school events and attaining different accomplishments. We create insightful articles that document these timeless events and celebrate the various Hwa Chong achievements.

In addition to these school publications, we have also rolled out a few of our initiatives, which include our very own Hwa Chong Press website - HC Herald, where writers have the freedom to write on topics that they are passionate about.
During our usual CCA sessions, members attend informative workshops conducted by external speakers, conduct sharing sessions, or jointly work on various writing projects. We also participate in different competitions, such as the Write the World competitions. These activities encourage members to broaden their perspectives and gain insight into new genres of writing. Furthermore, we also collaborate with press clubs of other schools to enable cross-school interaction opportunities for our members or embark on exciting learning journeys to real publications houses in Singapore!
In HC PubSoc, members are provided a safe space to openly share individual viewpoints and holistically develop their skills as writers and journalists. Join us and discover the joy of writing!
2024 Live On Essay Competition Open Category 2nd Place
2021 Write the World Op-Ed Competition Global Runner-up
2021 Write the World Food Writing Competition Global Runner-up
2021 John Locke Essay Competition High Recommendation X2
2024 John Locke Essay Competition Merit
Official PubSoc Instagram (@hcpubsoc):
HC Insights (HC Magazine) Website:
HC Herald (Student Press) Website:
Mr Tan Wei Ping Kenny
CCA Sessions
Wednesday (1430-1630)
Interest and decent mastery in journalistic writing, photography, and graphic design.