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Brought to you by: CCA Council

String Ensemble

Hey C1s! Have you yearned to be a part of a body of devoted individuals with an ardent love for music? If so, Hwa Chong String Ensemble (HCSE) is the CCA for you!
Led by our conductor Mr Lin Juan, HCSE explores a marvelous miscellany of music, ranging from classical pieces to arrangements of popular songs today! Our enthusiasm for music has led us to perform in both local and international contexts, and even extends to virtual grounds. Events such as the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF), our biennial concerts and various intra-school performance opportunities, including teachers’ day and the Mid Autumn Festival (MAF), are milestones that we regularly work towards, amongst the multitude of other performance opportunities.
Typically, CCA sessions are held twice a week. First, we have tutti, where the ensemble practices together under the direction of Mr Lin. Second, we have sectionals, in which we practice in our sections. These sessions are led either by members of the ensemble, or under the guidance of sectional tutors.
HCSE is a harmonious group of individuals who share the same fervent passion for both playing and listening to music. We hope to have you join us on our journey!
LT3 on Tuesdays and Fridays (occasionally AVT)
A401-A405 on Wednesdays
*Until April 20th -- our concert -- CCA will be changed to 2 days per week post concert
CCA Sessions
Tuesday 4.30-6.30pm
Friday 4-7pm

No previous experience with String Instruments required, but it would be advantageous if applicants have prior experience
Passion for playing and performing music as part of an ensemble